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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Kirby

AICE MS Test : Part 2 Question 1 Practice 1

The importance of marketing in video games is very important because when a new game comes out people need to know what its about. If its a sport game then people want to know if the game looks realistic. If its a shooting game the players want to know if the guns are balanced if the game feels smooth. If there are people that market about new games show how they good the graphics are.

The people marketing have to know who is going to try to by the new game if its a sports game about football then they would want a football player to talk about the new features of the game. People are only going to by this game if they live in areas where football is played or watched. people are going to get the game by there parents getting it them for a birthday or adults getting it for them self because they love the sport.

Marketing is also relevant to when the game should be released because if a football video game is released right before the nfl season then there is more hype that goes toward that game. In conclusion when there are new video games marketing is the most important but it is also important all through the life of a game because people will realise how good the game is.


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